Running JRuby with Terracotta

Lately I have been doing some interesting work integrating Terracotta in our application. We use Terracotta in a very limited scenario: as a tool to implement asynchronous DB replication on PostgreSQL (unfortunately the existing tools out there are not suitable for the kind of usage that we do of PostgreSQL – anyways, I’ll talk more in details about this in further posts).
At a certain point in time we decided to drive some java code with JRuby, in order to process information like log files more efficiently. The java code needed to integrate with Terracotta, so we have had to modify jruby scripts in the following way (eg.: jruby_tc.bat on Windows):

@echo off
rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
rem jruby.bat - Start Script for the JRuby Interpreter
rem for info on environment variables, see internal batch script _jrubyvars.bat


rem Terracotta
set TC_INSTALL_DIR="C:\Program Files\terracotta\terracotta-3.0.1"
set TC_CONFIG_PATH="C:\whatever\tc-config.xml"
call %TC_INSTALL_DIR%\bin\dso-env.bat -q

rem Sometimes, when jruby.bat is being invoked from another BAT file,
rem %~dp0 is incorrect and points to the current dir, not to JRuby's bin dir,
rem so we look on the PATH in such cases.
IF EXIST "%~dp0_jrubyvars.bat" (set FULL_PATH=%~dp0) ELSE (set FULL_PATH=%~dp$PATH:0)

call "%FULL_PATH%_jrubyvars.bat" %*

if %JRUBY_BAT_ERROR%==0 "%_STARTJAVA%" %_VM_OPTS% -Xbootclasspath/a:"%JRUBY_CP%" -classpath ^
   "%CP%;%CLASSPATH%" -Djruby.home="%JRUBY_HOME%" -Djruby.lib="%JRUBY_HOME%\lib" ^"cmd.exe" -Djruby.script=jruby.bat org.jruby.Main %JRUBY_OPTS% %_RUBY_OPTS%

call "%FULL_PATH%_jrubycleanup"

rem 1. exit must be on the same line in order to see local %E% variable!
rem 2. we must use cmd /c in order for the exit code properly returned!
rem    See JRUBY-2094 for more details.
endlocal & cmd /d /c exit /b %E%

The relevant differences are in bold in the batch file above. I’ve called the batch jruby_tc.bat in order to differentiate it from usual jruby.bat. As you can see these changes are for Terracotta 3.0.1 but they should work just the same for Terracotta 3.1

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